Mehaffie Supports 2017-18 State Budget
June 30, 2017
HARRISBURG – Rep. Tom Mehaffie (R-Dauphin) today issued the following statement in response to his affirmative vote on the 2017-18 state budget spending plan:
“While it’s not the perfect plan, it is a more realistic budget than those that have been proposed in the recent past. This spending plan was passed with bipartisan support because it is fiscally responsible and keeps state spending in check while making sure essentials like education, transportation projects, programs for seniors and services for those with disabilities are adequately funded. We were able to work together this year to achieve a cost-effective, customer-centered budget.
“While taking part in the state budget process for the first time as a state representative, my priorities were to protect the citizens and job creators of the 106th District from unnecessary government growth and ensure our schools and core government services received sufficient support. I am pleased this budget matches those priorities.
“I will continue to remain vigilant as the revenue portion of the budget takes shape. We simply cannot go to the hard-working families and businesses in the Commonwealth for more money or rely on unpredictable revenue options. Securing long-term fiscal stability for our state and its citizens is at the helm of our work as legislators.”
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Representative Thomas Mehaffie
106th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Abbey Haslam
717.260.6222 /
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