Meet Tom

Elected to serve citizens of the 106th Legislative District in 2016, Rep. Tom Mehaffie has set his sights on accomplishing needed reforms in the state House of Representatives and passing legislation that will help all Pennsylvanians live more productive and

prosperous lives.

Tom’s experience as a township commissioner and a successful business owner demonstrates he will be a strong and effective voice in Harrisburg as he fights for tax reform and quality education systems for our children, as well as to make government more responsive and accountable to taxpayers.

Tom relocated to South Central Pennsylvania when he purchased Breski Beverage Distributor more than 20 years ago. Since buying Breski’s, Tom’s focus on customer service has helped the business become the premier beverage distributor in the Harrisburg area.

In 2014, Tom became president of the Lower Swatara Township Board of Commissioners. Elected to the Board in 2010, Tom also chaired the Public Works, Sewer Authority and Emergency Services committees for the township. His experience passing on-time budgets and keeping spending in check at the local level proves that he will be a strong and effective voice for taxpayers of the 106th District.

Tom is also an active member of the community having served on the Dauphin County Planning Commission, the Dauphin County Library Board, the Lower Swatara Lions Club, the Zembo Shrine and the Prince Edwin Spring Creek Masonic Lodge. He also served on the executive board of the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Commissioners and as past president of the Malt Beverage Distributors Association of Pennsylvania.

Tom and his wife, Linda, who is a successful realtor, live in Lower Swatara Township.

Tom’s committee assignments for 2025-26 are:

  •   Consumer Protection, Technology and Utilities
  •   Environmental Resources
  •   Gaming Oversight
  •   Liquor Control
  •   Professional Licensure

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