Park, Open Space Grants to Support Recreation in 106th District, Mehaffie Says

November 13, 2024

HARRISBURG – More than $450,000 in grant money awarded this week will be used to improve parks and walking trails in the 106th District, according to Rep. Tom Mehaffie (R-Dauphin).

Grants awarded by the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources’ Community Conservation Partnerships Program include:

• $300,000 for Hummelstown Borough to make improvements to the Hummelstown Nature Trail, which will include renovations to the loop trail, boardwalk and parking area.
• $62,500 for Londonderry Township to rehabilitate Sunset Park with new play equipment and renovated walkways.
• $93,900 for South Hanover Township to improve Brinser Park with new walkways and play equipment.

“We’re fortunate in the greater Hershey area to have high-quality parks and recreational opportunities,” Mehaffie said. “The latest round of grants will help municipalities tackle projects that will ensure those parks can be enjoyed by future generations.”

Office of Representative Thomas L. Mehaffie III
106th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Jennifer Fitch
717-260-6563 /

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