The Mehaffie Message 1/10/25 - Emailed Newsletter

January 10, 2025

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Mehaffie Message
#Listrak\DateStampLong# The latest news from the State Capitol

In this Edition:
  •   Farms, Food, Fun Plentiful at PA Farm Show
  •   2025-26 Session Officially Underway
  •   Take My Legislative Survey
  •   Schools Awarded Safety Grants
  •   Troop 2200 Adds Eagle Scout
  •   FAFSA Workshops Scheduled
  •   Blood Donation Saves Lives
Farms, Food, Fun Plentiful at PA Farm Show

The Pennsylvania Farm Show concludes tomorrow, Saturday, Jan. 11. This week, I’ve had great experiences, including chatting with 106th District residents and businesspeople about how their agriculture-related enterprises are “powering Pennsylvania,” which is the theme of the 2025 expo.

Admission to the show is free, but parking is $15 per vehicle. Shuttle service is provided.

Click here to view video.

On Monday morning, as the snow fell outside, Agriculture Secretary Russell Redding and I talked about innovation in the farming world. For instance, manure digesters are turning animal waste into a renewable energy source. The Farm Show’s half-ton butter sculpture is recycled in a digester every year as well.

Click the link above to watch a video of my conversation with Secretary Redding.

Some of the people serving as vendors include the teams from Pennsylvania Horse Racing Association and University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine (Penn Vet).  

2025-26 Session Officially Underway

Members of the House were sworn into office for the 2025-26 Legislative Session on Tuesday. We took the oath and signed a book attesting to our commitment. I was appointed to the following committees: Consumer Protection, Technology and Utilities; Environmental Resources; Gaming Oversight; Liquor Control; and Professional Licensure.

To keep up to date with all the latest news from the Capitol and here at home, be sure to subscribe to this e-newsletter if you are not a regular recipient. Go to  

Take My Legislative Survey

Please take a few minutes to take the 2025-26 Legislative Session survey on my website. I want to hear directly from you as I prepare for the work ahead. Your time is appreciated.  
Schools Awarded Safety Grants

Nearly $275 million in funding through the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency’s School Safety and Security Grant Program will support public and private schools seeking to improve students’ wellbeing with mental health services and school safety investments. Local recipients include:

• Derry Township School District, $160,430
• Lower Dauphin School District, $166,985
• Middletown Area School District, $147,047
• Dauphin County Technical School, $70,000     
Troop 2200 Adds Eagle Scout

Adele Hosenfeld from Hummelstown has reached the rank of Eagle Scout. She is a member of Troop 2200 and the daughter of Jeffrey Hosenfeld and Jennifer McCall-Hosenfeld.

Adele, a talented musician, designed and built a nature kitchen for Derry Presbyterian Church as her service project.
FAFSA Workshops Scheduled

The Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency is hosting Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) workshops in Dauphin County this month. There is one scheduled for Jan. 18 at Penn State Harrisburg and one Jan. 30 at the PHEAA headquarters. Families must create FSA ID accounts at least four days ahead of time. Click here for more information.  
Blood Donation Saves Lives

Did you know that every two seconds in America, someone urgently needs blood? January is National Blood Donor Month, an opportunity to both honor voluntary blood donors and encourage new donors to help save lives. National Blood Donor Month was first designated by proclamation of President Richard Nixon on Dec. 31, 1969.

The start of the new year is one of the most challenging times to collect blood products as the threat of winter weather builds and can often lead to widespread blood drive cancellations. In addition to winter weather, an active cold and flu season may prevent people from keeping donation appointments as they rest and recover from illness.

Only 3% of eligible Americans currently donate blood, despite 65% of the population being eligible to do so. Learn more about blood donation and where to donate here.

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