Mehaffie, Kim Announce Grants to Support Roads, Sidewalk Improvements
February 24, 2025
HARRISBURG – Grant funding awarded within Derry, Lower Swatara and Londonderry townships today will improve safety for both motorists and pedestrians, according to Sen. Patty Kim (D-Dauphin) and Rep. Tom Mehaffie (R-Dauphin).
The Commonwealth Financing Authority approved:
• $700,000 for Derry Township to make roadway safety improvements along Hockersville Road.
• $500,000 for Lower Swatara Township to repair and connect sidewalks on local roads.
• $50,000 for Rekha Tolani LLC to improve traffic flow on Tollhouse Road and Harrisburg Pike in Londonderry Township.
“The projects selected for these grants are within some of the busiest, most vibrant areas of Dauphin County. The work as planned will serve these communities well for many years to come,” Kim said.
“Well-built infrastructure attracts new businesses to a community and improves the quality of life for everyone who lives and works there. I’m thankful the financing authority recognized how worthwhile these projects are,” Mehaffie said.
The Multimodal Transportation Fund seeks to encourage economic development and provide a reliable system of transportation within Pennsylvania. Funds may be used for transportation assets, streetscapes, lighting, sidewalk enhancement, pedestrian safety, connectivity of transportation assets and transit-oriented development.
Representative Thomas L. Mehaffie III
106th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Jennifer Fitch
717-260-6563 /
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