The Mehaffie Message 2/28/25 - Emailed Newsletter

February 28, 2025

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Mehaffie Message
#Listrak\DateStampLong# The latest news from the State Capitol

In this Edition:
  •   Grants to Support Road, Sidewalk Improvements
  •   Yokl Feeds Foodies
  •   Think Spring! Trout Stocking Schedule Available
  •   Prepare for Tax Filing
  •   Get Ready for REAL ID
  •   Substance Abuse Help for Veterans
Grants to Support Road, Sidewalk Improvements

Grant funding awarded within Derry, Lower Swatara and Londonderry townships this week will improve safety for both motorists and pedestrians.

The Commonwealth Financing Authority approved:

  •   $700,000 for Derry Township to make roadway safety improvements along Hockersville Road.
  •   $500,000 for Lower Swatara Township to repair and connect sidewalks on local roads.
  •   $50,000 for Rekha Tolani LLC to improve traffic flow on Tollhouse Road and Harrisburg Pike in Londonderry Township.

Well-built infrastructure attracts new businesses to a community and improves the quality of life for everyone who lives and works there. I’m thankful the financing authority recognized how worthwhile these projects are.

The Multimodal Transportation Fund seeks to encourage economic development and provide a reliable system of transportation within Pennsylvania. Funds may be used for transportation assets, streetscapes, lighting, sidewalk enhancement, pedestrian safety, connectivity of transportation assets and transit-oriented development.
Yokl Feeds Foodies

A new food tour of greater Hershey had its inaugural run Thursday. I joined the forces behind Yokl for a portion of that tour, which highlights the quality of cuisine in our area.

In March 2024, Realtor Eileen Voyles took some clients on a tour of local places she enjoys. She started to further do marketing of Hershey’s small businesses with direct mail and social media accounts like @HelloHershey.

Eileen wanted to grow those efforts into a website and app called Yokl. Eileen and her partner, Rhett Hintze, bought a trolley to offer food tours that can be booked from

I’m pictured at The Farmhouse at Englewood.                                                 
Think Spring! Trout Stocking Schedule Available

The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) announced its 2025 trout stocking schedule is now available online and on the FishBoatPA mobile app. We also have printed copies available in my office as well as municipal offices throughout the 106th District.

The PFBC will stock approximately 3.2 million adult trout in 691 streams and 130 lakes open to public angling. Stocking is underway in advance of the statewide Mentored Youth Trout Day on Saturday, March 29, and the statewide opening day of trout season on Saturday, April 6.

The 2025 adult trout stocking schedule is searchable by county; lists the waterways in alphabetical order; and indicates stocking dates, meeting locations for volunteers and the species of trout that will be stocked at each location.  

Click here for additional details about stocking or visit 
Prepare for Tax Filing

The Pennsylvania Department of Revenue offers free online tools and resources for people to file their tax returns.

Direct File is an online tax filing tool for both federal and state tax returns. Visit for more information.

Additional resources available online can be found at

State tax forms are available in my office as well.
Get Ready for REAL ID

The deadline for enforcement of the federal REAL ID Act is fast approaching.

As of May 7, you will have to present a federally accepted form of identification to board a commercial domestic flight or visit a secure federal building that requires ID at the door. Federally accepted forms of identification include a Pennsylvania REAL ID driver’s license or ID card, a U.S. passport or passport card, or a military ID.

While all Pennsylvanians must comply with the new law, obtaining a state-issued REAL ID is not mandatory. PennDOT will continue to offer standard-issue driver’s licenses and photo IDs.

To learn more about REAL ID and how to obtain one, visit
Substance Abuse Help for Veterans

Did you know more than one in 10 veterans have been diagnosed with a substance use disorder?

When veterans separate from the military, they may face a host of societal challenges adapting back to civilian life. Most will work through these challenges, but some fall on hard times, and sometimes resort to substance abuse as a way to cope. Help is available for veterans, family members and their advocates at 1-800-662-HELP (4357).

Veterans are also encouraged to make use of PA VETConnect, a program aimed at helping veterans address the challenges of homelessness, employment, mental health, addiction and much more. If you or someone you know requires assistance, or would like more information about PA VETConnect or other DMVA programs and services, visit


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